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Posts Tagged: “economy

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November 15, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Is the Air Coming Out of Housing Bubble 2.0?

Peter Schiff put it pretty bluntly in a podcast last week. We don’t have a booming economy. We have bubbles. And it looks like the air is starting to come out of some of those bubbles. We see signs of trouble, particularly in interest rate-sensitive sectors such as real estate. As just one example, home sales in […]

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November 15, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Gold: The Best House in a Bad Neighborhood

Generally, when the mainstream talks about gold, you get a negative spin. So, whenever I see anybody in the mainstream talking positively about the yellow metal, I sit up and take notice. Well, MarketWatch had some positive things to say about gold recently, calling it “the best house in bad neighborhood” for 2019.

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November 12, 2018Guest Commentaries

Economy Rolling Over: Focus On Housing And Tariffs

As the stock market was tanking last month, Peter Schiff said a recession is obviously coming. Now things have calmed down a little bit and everybody seems convinced October was just a bad month —  a needed correction. But as Peter has been saying, there are some fundamentals everybody is ignoring that look really bad. […]

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October 24, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Jerome Powell Is Trump’s Scapegoat

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell has become Pres. Donald Trump’s favorite scapegoat. As “his” stock market gets more and more volatile, Trump needs somebody to blame — especially during election season. The Fed chair makes the perfect target.

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