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Posts Tagged: “economics

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December 7, 2023Original Analysis

Joe Biden: Economic Ignoramus

Are “greedy” corporations driving inflation? Could taxing billionaires solve the federal government’s fiscal problems? According to President Joe Biden, the answer to both questions is yes. And the correct answer is no.

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December 1, 2022Guest Commentaries

The Fed’s Fundamental Problem

Inflation was running rampant for months before the Federal Reserve launched its inflation fight. As you’ll recall, we were told over and over again that inflation was transitory. But now that the central bank is on the job, most people are confident Powell and Company can get rising prices back under control. Perhaps they shouldn’t […]

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September 27, 2022Original Analysis

Feelings Trump Economics: Price Gouging Edition

Hurricane Ian is taking aim at Florida. That means there is already talk of “price gouging.” People have a visceral emotional reaction to people raising prices during a disaster. But it is nothing but feelz. In fact, “price gouging” serves an important economic function. Not allowing prices to rise actually causes more harm.

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September 7, 2022Guest Commentaries

Inflation Is State-Sponsored Terrorism

Americans have been laboring under the burden of inflation for well over a year. We feel the pain everywhere, from the gas pump to the grocery store. Once it became impossible to sell the “inflation is transitory” narrative any longer, the Federal Reserve began raising interest rates to fight inflation. As a result, the bubble […]

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