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Posts Tagged: “economic stability

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December 6, 2024Original Analysis

What does MV = PQ Mean for America?

As prices rise and economic uncertainty becomes a daily reality, many Americans are left grappling with the question: how did we get here? With inflation eating away at purchasing power, the need for a sound monetary policy has never been more pressing. In these turbulent times, the insights of Nobel laureate Milton Friedman shine brightly. […]

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October 29, 2024Original Analysis

The Model Behind the Madness

Central banks typically make decisions based upon the NK (New Keynesian) model. Its goal is to provide a framework to understand how interest rate decisions end up affecting the various measures of an economy’s performance. It differs primarily from the RBC and Neoclassical models in that it includes the real short term effects of monetary […]

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July 11, 2024Original Analysis

U.S. Is “A Few Short Years” From Data Reliability Crisis, Study Warns

U.S. economic data is hitting headlines yet again—this time, due to serious concerns about its continued reliability. “Federal statistical agencies face increasing challenges to their ability to produce relevant, timely, credible, accurate, and objective statistics,” researchers of the American Statistical Association revealed. “Immediate action is needed to put the agencies … on a firmer footing […]

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May 26, 2024Original Analysis

The Fed vs. The Treasury: All Roads Lead to Inflation

In the fight against inflation, is it the Fed or the Treasury that calls the shots? The answer is, it’s both. The Fed raises interest rates to make loans less attractive and bring inflation down, but The Treasury has its own set of magic tricks to artificially “stimulate” or “tighten” the economy as well. One of […]

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May 24, 2024Original Analysis

AI’s Disruptive Effect on Traditional Assets

Artificial Intelligence has already had an incredibly disruptive effect on many industries. It has allowed inexperienced workers the ability to increase their productivity and outpace older workers with less tech-savvy. It has begun to help some companies make efficient decisions that they would have been blinded to if they had only considered their own industry conventions. AI is different from many other […]

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May 17, 2024Original Analysis

Not Just the US: Global Debt-To-GDP Ratios Are Skyrocketing

The US national debt is so out of control that, ironically enough, even the Federal Reserve chair has expressed concern about the problem. And while America is among the top contributors, it isn’t just the US that’s spending money it doesn’t have: after briefly declining in 2023, the global debt-to-GDP ratio is again at an all-time high.

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