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Posts Tagged: “economic freedom

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March 12, 2025Guest Commentaries

Tariffs Uncovered: Bastiat’s Insight into Hidden Costs

Another week goes by, and rumors of new trade wars ebb and flow. Tariffs are a perfect example of economist Frédéric Bastiat’s concept of the “seen and unseen.” Protectionists tout tariffs as a way to protect American jobs, but they fail to see the subtle, slower effects of their policies that ultimately make Americans worse […]

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February 27, 2025Original Analysis

The Empirically Significant Frontier Spirit

SchiffGold’s commitment to gold arises from a strong belief in individual liberty, which is almost synonymous with what it means to be American. While personal independence from government overreach is informally a core American trait, it arose from unique historical circumstances that separated America from most other independent new nations. The American founding was ideologically […]

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January 31, 2025Original Analysis

Why We Should Bank Free

Free banking is seen by many as something that should be left in 18th century Scotland. Free banking is where each bank issues their own note that is redeemable for a certain amount of a commodity, typically gold. The value of the note is determined by the assessed probability that that bank will indeed be […]

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January 24, 2025Guest Commentaries

Marx’s Shell Game: The Fallacy of Class Analysis

In times of economic hardship, like today, politicians often take aim at the wealthy entrepreneurship class, usually employing the rhetoric of socialists like Marx. Rather than blame the rich for their economic woes, the American people should aim their ire at those responsible: profligate spenders in Washington and their cronies.

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January 9, 2025Guest Commentaries

The Hidden Dangers of Fiat Money

Inflationist politicians would have their citizens believe fiat money is at worst a necessary evil and at best a monetary system free from the volatility of the business cycle. Yet, if one simply follows the history of American monetary policy, it’s obvious that fiat money is the result of diabolical political temptations.

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October 22, 2024Guest Commentaries

Why Central Banks Won’t Truly Fight Inflation

2024 has shown that the Federal Reserve is perfectly comfortable with inflation sitting above its 2% target. This fact serves as a reminder that the political purpose of central banks is to create inflation, which benefits large government programs and socialist policy. The following article was originally published by the Mises Institute. The opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those […]

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June 12, 2024Original Analysis

Three States Start Summer with Sound Money Policies

Earlier this year, four states took steps toward strengthening sound money by lifting or reducing taxes faced by holders of physical gold and silver. Only a few months later, three other states have actually implemented new sound money policies, and by doing so, they have improved their citizens’ economic standing.

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