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Posts Tagged: “dollar

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September 21, 2023Original Analysis

There’s a Herd of Elephants in the Room

Among the many problems currencies the markets face, there is one that is undocumented: the eurodollar market. This is yet another very large elephant in the room. This article quantifies eurodollars and eurodollar bonds, which are additional to US money supply and credit.

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September 20, 2023Guest Commentaries

Ron Paul: Will BRICS Smash the Dollar?

Last month, the BRICS economic bloc extended invitations to six new members, including Saudi Arabia. What are the ramifications of this expansion? That remains to be seen. But as Ron Paul pointed out, it could further erode the West’s economic power, and ultimately threaten the status of the dollar as the exclusive global reserve currency.

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September 14, 2023Original Analysis

Currency Wars Versus Gold Standards

Russia and the Saudis are driving up oil and diesel prices. But these moves are likely to undermine the rouble more than they undermine the dollar, euro, and other major currencies. Therefore, higher energy prices will rebound on the Russians this winter: if they shiver in Germany, they will freeze in Russia. If the dollar […]

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September 12, 2023Interviews

Peter Schiff: We’re Living on Borrowed Time! (Interview)

Peter Schiff recently appeared on Nino’s Corner with David Nino Rodriguez to talk about the trajectory of the economy. Peter explained why the dollar is doomed to crash and what we can do to prepare. He also emphasized that the powers that be have managed to kick the can down the road for a lot […]

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September 7, 2023Original Analysis

Say’s Law Says It All

As the world descends into a much-heralded recession, the surprise will be that interest rates will continue to rise as economic activity contracts. This is not what the economic establishment expects. This article puts the outlook in the context of classical economic theory, when it was the principles behind the division of labour which went […]

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