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Posts Tagged: “CPI

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April 7, 2024Guest Commentaries

Prices Up 2500% Since FDR Abandoned Gold

On April 5 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt abandoned the gold standard, wielding questionable legal power amidst America’s dire economic depression. His whimsical approach to monetary policy, including coin flips and lucky numbers, unleashed unprecedented inflation and price increases that have since amounted to nearly 2500%. Our guest commentator explores this tragic history and the legacy […]

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March 24, 2024Guest Commentaries

Dollar Down 20% Since 2020, Biden Blames Greed

Assuming CPI measurements are not understatements, the dollar’s value has plummeted by a staggering one-fifth since 2020, yet, rather than acknowledging its role in fueling this economic turmoil, the Biden administration deflects, casting capitalism and corporate greed as the villains. The latest February CPI data show more signs of the upcoming inflation bloodbath.

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December 14, 2023Original Analysis

The Fed Surrenders to Inflation!

The Federal Reserve just surrendered to inflation. Fed officials won’t call it a surrender. They’re claiming victory. But surrender is the effect of the policy trajectory laid out by the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) at its December meeting.

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December 13, 2023Original Analysis

Plenty of Hype for a So-So CPI Report

Why do virtually all the mainstream pundits think the Federal Reserve has won the inflation fight? Maybe it’s just wishful thinking. They want the Fed to win so it can go back to what it does best – creating more inflation with artificially low interest rates and quantitative easing. Regardless, most of the mainstream punditry […]

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