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Posts Tagged: “auto industry

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April 9, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Has the Subprime Auto Bubble Burst?

It looks like the subprime auto loan bubble has popped. Last year, we reported that the auto industry’s check engine light was on. Now it looks like the thing is totally breaking down. Small subprime auto lenders are starting to go belly-up due to increasing losses and defaults. As ZeroHedge noted, “we all know what comes […]

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October 17, 2017Key Gold Headlines

Palladium Price Hits 16-Year High

Palladium probably isn’t something you think about when you consider investing in precious metals. Maybe you should. Palladium broke through the $1,000 mark on Monday. The price of the metal has spiked nearly 50% in 2017 and is at its highest level in 16 years.

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