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December 31, 2013Key Gold Headlines

This Month in Gold – December 2013

US Mint Silver Coin Sales Hit Yearly Record Bloomberg – By the second week of November, the US Mint’s American Eagle silver coin sales had reached 40.2 million ounces for 2013, a new annual record. The previous record was ~39.9 million ounces for all of 2011. Strong retail sales are attributed to lower silver prices […]

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December 27, 2013Interviews

Stocks: A Bubble Too Big to Pop? (Video)

Fox Business interviewed Peter Schiff about the stock market’s strong performance following Christmas. Peter elaborated on the problems with the Fed’s upcoming taper and why he thinks it will be forced to increase QE in the future. If the Fed did the right thing for the economy and let interest rates go up, the stock […]

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December 24, 2013Guest Commentaries

Cheer Up, Goldbugs – You’re In Good Company!

Some goldbugs might be feeling glum this holiday season after a rough year for the yellow metal, but there are still plenty of contrarian voices advocating gold investment. Casey Research has published a valuable article highlighting the long-term gold bulls who haven’t lost faith. Besides renowned investors like Jim Rogers and Marc Faber, persistent goldbugs […]

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December 23, 2013Original Analysis

Taper Lite & Gold – An Opportunity to Buy (Video)

When does a taper really mean more stimulus? When zero percent interest rates are pretty much guaranteed for the foreseeable future. Peter Schiff explains why the “taper lite” is simply an admittance that the economy is addicted to artificial stimulus. Peter also shares his opinion on gold’s sell-off and why investors should be using the […]

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December 18, 2013Interviews

Upside Potential for Gold Greater Than Downside Risk

The Wall Street Transcript released its Gold and Precious Metals Report, which includes an interview with Peter Schiff on gold’s performance in the past year and what to expect in the physical precious metals market going forward. The full report is available for download here. Yahoo! provides an excerpt from the interview: TWST: Gold has […]

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December 16, 2013Guest Commentaries

2014 Supply Crunch Means Higher Gold Price

In his latest piece with Casey Research, Jeff Clark lays out the main factors that might lead to a gold shortage in 2014. The trends Clark cites have been apparent for several years, but 2014 might be the year that Western purchasers of gold really start to notice the squeeze.

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December 11, 2013Guest Commentaries

$20K Gold Is Still to Come

Casey Research published an interview with economist, professor, and financial advisor, Krassimir Petrov, who is a long-term precious metals bull, like Peter Schiff. While Petrov believes gold’s correction is ongoing (meaning it remains a great time to buy), he argues that this is just a temporary setback in a huge bull market that will last […]

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December 10, 2013Guest Commentaries

Gold Remains the Best Insurance against Economic Uncertainty

This week, in a commentary published by The Telegraph, John Ficenec defended gold’s history as the ultimate safe haven asset, arguing that the fundamentals for the yellow metal remain sound even if the price correction has spooked speculative investors. Long-term physical gold bulls continue to hoard the yellow metal to protect themselves from the inflationary […]

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December 9, 2013Interviews

2014 Crash? London Real Interviews Peter Schiff (Video)

Peter Schiff was a guest on the alternative media program London Real with host Brian Rose. This hour-long conversation is geared towards a younger audience and is a great introduction to Peter’s investment philosophy. Alessio Rastani, known as the “Robin Hood of Wall Street,” also joined the conversation. Rastani believes the US is due for […]

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