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March 18, 2015Guest Commentaries

We Live in a “Black Swan” World

Bloomberg had a roundtable discussion with Nobel Laureate Robert Shiller, author of Irrational Exuberance, about keeping past economic disasters in mind. In particular, they discussed the worry that the stock market is on the verge of another 1937 and a 50% correction. 1937 was the year that the word ‘recession’ was invented. Did you know […]

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March 18, 2015Interviews

A Fed Rate Hike Is Fantasy; Prepare for QE4 (Video)

The financial media are obsessed with whether or not the Federal Reserve is going to remove the word “patient” from its policy statement concerning an interest rate hike. CNBC asked Peter Schiff for his take, and he told them that the Fed’s statement is meaningless — the Fed can’t raise rates without pushing the United […]

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March 17, 2015Guest Commentaries

Central Bank Bubbles & Gold’s Fundamentals (Video)

In a long interview with Gordon T. Long, Managing Director of the Lindsey Group Peter Boockvar warns that the Federal Reserve has been creating artificial bubbles for years. In fact, we’re now facing the third bubble in 15 years. The mainstream news claims we’re not in a bubble because “things are different this time.” But […]

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March 17, 2015Guest Commentaries

Stockman: US Is Facing Another Recession (Video)

With typical incisiveness, David Stockman laid out for Bloomberg the precariousness of the US economy. The former White House Budget Director called out the Republicans for their failure to do anything about the runaway budget deficit. He expects the government to do what it always does: blink in the eleventh hour when faced with a […]

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March 17, 2015Guest Commentaries

Sound & Unsound Money: Gold vs. Dollars (Video)

Dr. Joseph Salerno, Academic Vice President at the Mises Institute, spoke with Power Trading Radio about the declining value of fiat currencies and the Federal Reserve’s incentive to depreciate the dollar. The interview is long, but Salerno’s comments are a good primer on how precious metals became — and remain — sound money. He also […]

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March 16, 2015Original Analysis

Worst Economic Data Since 2008 Crisis (Audio)

The Bloomberg ECO US Surprise Index is at its lowest since 2009, which means that forecasts for economic data haven’t been more wrong for six years. Bloomberg asks, “Is this a sign of unanticipated weakness in the economy?” At first, it seems like the mainstream media is actually waking up to the fact that the […]

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March 13, 2015Key Gold Headlines

Government & Economy Are American’s Biggest Problems

For the fourth month in a row, Gallup found that Americans named the government as the biggest problem in the United States. Jobs and the economy tied for the second-most worrisome problems. Together, these three issues are the top concerns for almost 40% of Americans. Though issues such as terrorism, healthcare, race relations and immigration […]

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March 13, 2015Guest Commentaries

History Is on the Side of Gold, Not Stocks

In a short article for Casey Research, Jeff Clark observes that the gold price has declined for eight consecutive days for the first time since 2009. However, investors shouldn’t worry too much. As the chart below shows, gold prices often cycle through a low point in March before picking up again. Since 1975, March has […]

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March 12, 2015Guest Commentaries

Jim Rogers: Invest in Freedom and Hard Assets (Audio)

Famed author and contrarian investor Jim Rogers spoke with Kerry Lutz of Financial Survival Network about the absurdity of central banks being run by clueless academics. He says that most of the world is under an illusion of prosperity and that our reliance on credit will have devastating consequences. Rogers also echoes Peter Schiff’s message […]

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March 12, 2015Original Analysis

Stocks Down as Yellen Paints Herself into a Corner (Audio)

In his latest podcast, Peter Schiff explains why the Dow Jones and S&P 500 are now negative on the year. The markets are eating up Janet Yellen’s talk of raising rates, but she’s painting herself into a corner with her hypocrisy. Peter also argues that the Obama administration’s plan to let student loans be discharged […]

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