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September 22, 2014Original Analysis

The Fed Can’t Raise Rates No Matter What Yellen Says (Video)

The precious metals have been having a hard time recently, especially following Janet Yellen’s press conference last week. While Yellen was extremely vague about when the Federal Reserve would raise interest rates, the financial media latched on to her theoretical discussion of how rates would be raised when the time came. This turned out to […]

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September 18, 2014Videos

Every Janet Yellen Press Conference Ever in Under 4 Minutes (Video)

Let’s be honest. No one has the time or patience to actually watch Janet Yellen’s press conferences about the Federal Open Market Committee’s meetings. Besides, the news never seems to change – the US economy is never quite good enough for the Committee to recommend that interest rates actually be raised back to “normal” levels. […]

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September 12, 2014Interviews

The Fed Is Destroying the Economy and Nobody Cares (Video)

Peter Schiff was interviewed by Paul Vigna on Wall Street Journal Video yesterday. Peter explained to Vigna the terrible effects that the Federal Reserve’s zero interest-rate policy is having on the United States economy. They spoke about how tepid the American job market is right now, and why Peter thinks a new round of quantitative […]

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August 28, 2014Guest Commentaries

Jim Grant: The Word for Inflation is ‘Bull Market’ (Video)

Jim Grant, publisher of Grant’s Interest Rate Observer, was interviewed by Steve Forbes. Jim gives a grim overview of the economy, saying that the Fed’s suppression of interest rates and the creation of “unimaginable amounts of digital money” since 2007 have caused major distortions. Economic intervention leads to more economic intervention and “the patient is over-medicated.” Jim says […]

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August 18, 2014Guest Commentaries

The Global Economy Is In a Depression (Video)

Jim Rickards, author of The Death of Money, was interviewed on RT. Jim checks off a daunting list of countries around the world experiencing economic difficulties and offers analysis of what is really going on. What’s happening in Germany is happening all over the world. Germany’s economy contracted… Italy’s already contracted. France has two quarters in […]

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August 15, 2014Key Gold Headlines

Anniversary of Nixon Closing the Gold Window (Video)

Forty-three years ago today, President Nixon severed the last remaining shred of the gold standard when he suspended the ability of foreign banks to directly exchange the dollar for gold. Nixon promised his actions would be temporary, but this turned out to be an even bigger lie than his promise to end the Vietnam War. […]

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August 6, 2014Interviews

The Fed Is Damned If It Does, Damned If It Doesn’t (Video)

Peter Schiff interviews Chris Rossini, contributor to the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, about his book Set Money Free. They talk about the Federal Reserve’s role in centrally planning the economy and how it funds the biggest welfare-warfare state in history. Peter says that price inflation is much higher than the official estimates. […]

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