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March 12, 2015Guest Commentaries

Jim Rogers: Invest in Freedom and Hard Assets (Audio)

Famed author and contrarian investor Jim Rogers spoke with Kerry Lutz of Financial Survival Network about the absurdity of central banks being run by clueless academics. He says that most of the world is under an illusion of prosperity and that our reliance on credit will have devastating consequences. Rogers also echoes Peter Schiff’s message […]

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March 12, 2015Original Analysis

Stocks Down as Yellen Paints Herself into a Corner (Audio)

In his latest podcast, Peter Schiff explains why the Dow Jones and S&P 500 are now negative on the year. The markets are eating up Janet Yellen’s talk of raising rates, but she’s painting herself into a corner with her hypocrisy. Peter also argues that the Obama administration’s plan to let student loans be discharged […]

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March 11, 2015Guest Commentaries

Rickards: When the Fed Blinks, Gold Will Rally (Video)

Alix Steel of Bloomberg spoke with Jim Rickards, author of Currency Wars, about the Federal Reserve’s conundrum over raising rates. Rickards says that despite what the Fed says now, it’s not going to raise rates in June. Meanwhile, gold has shown strength even in the face of supposed deflation. Rickards is confident that the yellow […]

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March 11, 2015Guest Commentaries

Mises President: Another Crash Is Coming (Audio)

Jay Taylor of Taylor’s Hard Money Advisers interviewed Mises Institute President Jeff Deist about gold as safe money and the importance of unrigged markets. He warns that soon we are going to be faced with another crash as global debt levels rise. Just like Peter Schiff, Deist believes that when the rest of the world […]

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March 6, 2015Guest Commentaries

Marc Faber: Prepare for a Gold-Backed Chinese Currency (Video)

Renowned contrarian investor Marc Faber predicted in an interview with GoldSeek Radio that China will eventually switch to a gold-backed currency. He bases this on the widespread understanding that China has larger gold reserves than are officially reported. Faber also explained why the US dollar’s days as a global currency are numbered. This is due […]

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March 3, 2015Interviews

New Tech Era or New Tech Bubble? (Video)

On CNBC last night, Peter Schiff debated Wayne Kaufman, Chief Market Analyst at Phoenix Financial Services. Is the NASDAQ in bubble territory today? Kaufman argues that the tech landscape is completely different than it was in 1999. Peter counters that a bubble always looks different than the last one when you’re in the middle of […]

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