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May 19, 2015Guest Commentaries

Liquidity Is a Cloud Bringing a Flood of Fiat Money (Video)

USAWatchdog interviewed Hugo Salinas Price, a well-known and highly successful businessman operating in Mexico. Born in the United States, Price is now a passionate advocate for sound money and has been pushing for the Mexican government to adopt monetary silver again. Unfortunately, he sees far too much political pressure against sound money, particularly from the […]

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May 18, 2015Original Analysis

Fewer Hires Means Fewer Fires (Audio)

Peter Schiff digs under the surface of the latest economic data. As usual, Wall Street locked onto the headline number last week, which showed the lowest weekly jobless claims in 42 years. Peter asks the question no one else will — is this really the strongest economy America has seen in four decades?

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May 13, 2015Guest Commentaries

John Williams: Get Ready for New Recession (Video)

John Williams of shares Peter Schiff’s expectation of a new round of quantitative easing from the Federal Reserve. Williams believes the United States economy is slowing down and headed into another recession. He sees inflation rising in the coming years as the markets realize that the Federal Reserve is incapable of actually helping the […]

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May 12, 2015Guest Commentaries

Who Will Bail Out the Central Banks in 2018? (Video)

Jim Rickards spoke at the National Center for Policy Analysis in late April. In this long video, the author of The Death of Money first discusses why central banks are always so wrong in their forecasting and policies. He relates how it took 100 years for science to understand and accept that the planets revolve […]

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May 8, 2015Interviews

Priced in Gold, Stocks Are Extremely Overvalued (Video)

Yesterday, Peter Schiff told CNBC’s Futures Now that Janet Yellen has it wrong – the stock market isn’t “a little overvalued”; it’s extremely overvalued. He went on to explain why he believes the US stock market is going to lose a substantial amount of its value relative to the price of gold.

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