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December 8, 2015Original Analysis

Data Be Damned, Rate Hike Ahead? (Video)

With the “positive” jobs report that came out last Friday, most analysts now think the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates this month. Peter Schiff argues that the jobs report wasn’t really that positive considering the labor participation rate and the number of part-time workers. But he concedes that the rate hike may happen anyway, […]

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November 27, 2015Key Gold Headlines

Black Friday: American Exceptionalism in Action (Video)

Black Friday has become an infamous holiday of American consumerism. We seem equally amused and disgusted by the inevitable news of crowds waiting through freezing nights only to trample each other on the way to a discount toaster. Many people watch a video of Black Friday fights like the one below and shake their heads […]

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November 27, 2015Interviews

Bubble Fundamentals: This Market Needs More Cheap Money (Video)

On CNBC Asia on Wednesday night, Peter Schiff defended his forecast that the Federal Reserve is very unlikely to raise interest rates in December. He argued the Fed is focused on keeping a market bubble inflated, instead of allowing the US to experience a painful, but necessary economic recovery. Peter pointed to companies like Amazon […]

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November 23, 2015Interviews

Why Not Go All-In on Socialism? (Video)

Peter Schiff discussed the market expectations of a December rate hike from the Federal Reserve in his latest appearance on Alex Jones’ InfoWars. The two went on to discuss the real condition of the United States economy and why the US may soon be following Europe’s lead towards negative interest rates and more inflation. Finally, […]

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November 19, 2015Interviews

Rate Hike Riddles: Interpreting the Fed Minutes (Video)

The Federal Reserve released its October meeting minutes yesterday, and the financial media largely interpreted them as saying a December interest rate hike is still a lock. However, Peter Schiff points out to CNBC that the minutes weren’t nearly that conclusive. As far as he’s concerned, the minutes leave plenty of wiggle room for the […]

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November 18, 2015Interviews

Gold-Backed Yuan Could Ultimately Replace USD as Reserve Currency (Video)

On Friday, International Monetary Fund Director Christine Lagarde basically green-lighted the proposal to add the Chinese yuan to the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights basket of currencies. Peter Schiff told RT’s Boom Bust that this is just another step in the direction of China surpassing the United States as an economic power. Ultimately, Peter believes China […]

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