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August 14, 2015Interviews

Could the Yuan Replace the Dollar? (Video)

Newsmax TV interviewed Peter Schiff earlier this week about the devaluation of the yuan. Peter did not agree with Donald Trump’s mainstream opinion that this news out of China will have terrible consequences for the United States. Instead, Peter emphasized how much more productive and robust the Chinese economy is compared to the US. When […]

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August 12, 2015Guest Commentaries

The “Logic” Behind the War on Cash (Audio)

Earlier this year, we wrote about the latest developments in the international “war on cash.” Some central bankers have gone so far as to suggest that cash be eliminated entirely. In his latest podcast, Tom Woods and Charles Hugh Smith talk about why central authorities want to abolish cash and the role cash plays in […]

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August 7, 2015Guest Commentaries

Doug Casey: Next Crisis Will Be Worse than 1930s (Video)

Investment adviser Doug Casey recently appeared on Reason TV to discuss the current state of the US economy. He did not paint a rosy picture, saying that things are “building up to a catastrophe of historic proportions.” Doug made some stark comparisons between the current situations in American and conditions leading up to crises in […]

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August 6, 2015Interviews

The Last Thing the Fed Wants Is a Rate Hike (Video)

Peter Schiff spoke with CNBC Asia last night about why the consensus is wrong – the Federal Reserve is not going to raise rates significantly in September. And if it does, it will likely drop them back down to zero before too long. Instead, Peter argues that investors should be preparing for a fourth round […]

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August 4, 2015Interviews

US Economic Myths: Stefan Molyneux & Peter Schiff (Video)

Stefan Molyneux interviewed Peter Schiff on Freedomain Radio. In this hour-long conversation, Stefan and Peter cover the gamut of essential economic issues: the gold market, hidden inflation, the so-called US economic “recovery,” and the ultimate death of the US dollar. This is a great video to catch up on nearly every hot-button issue in the […]

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August 3, 2015Interviews

US Has Been in Recession for Entirety of Obama Presidency (Video)

Peter Schiff appeared on MSNBC last week to talk about why gold is an essential asset for protecting your wealth from inflation and a failing US dollar. The conversation became a bit combative when Peter was asked to defend his claim that government inflation measures are inaccurate. Unsurprisingly, the MSNBC anchor took it for granted […]

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July 24, 2015Interviews

American Economic Power Is Just an Illusion (Video)

A couple weeks ago, we shared a segment of Peter Schiff’s recent interview with Reason TV. Here is the full interview with Reason’s Matt Welch from FreedomFest 2015. They discuss the future of the United States economy, the upcoming presidential election, and China’s relationship to the US. Things change quickly when they change. This idea […]

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