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September 2, 2015Interviews

Gold Will Take Off as Fed Loses Credibility (Video)

Peter Schiff shared his perspective on the gold market with Kitco News yesterday. Other guests on Kitco have insisted that the Federal Reserve has no choice but to raise interest rates in September, or else the Fed won’t be able to deal with a looming recession. Peter counters this by pointing out how a small […]

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August 31, 2015Interviews

American Pipe Dreams: Dissecting Mainstream Misinformation (Video)

Stefan Molyneux hosted Peter Schiff on Freedomain Radio last week. They discussed at length the decline in the United States equity markets and the effects of Federal Reserve monetary policy. They also had a broader conversation about the fundamental economy of the US, as well as Peter’s track record of economic predictions. In the second […]

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August 28, 2015Interviews

The World Is Preparing for a Post-US Dollar Economy (Audio)

Peter Schiff spoke with the Shadow of Truth podcast last week. They had a friendly conversation about the Chinese yuan, the downfall of the US dollar, and the condition of Peter’s imprisoned father, Irwin. They also discussed the track records of the Federal Reserve Chairmen and how the price of gold can be used as […]

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August 26, 2015Interviews

Market Correction May Turn into Bear Market (Video)

CNBC’s Futures Now got Peter Schiff’s take on United States stock market volatility. Peter refuted the idea that Chinese markets may be influencing US stocks, arguing that the Federal Reserve’s lack of transparency about its monetary policy is really to blame. He also briefly discussed the gold market, and why hedge funds shorting the yellow […]

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August 26, 2015Interviews

US Economy Needs Capitalism & Real Recession to Recover (Video)

RT America hosted Peter Schiff and Mark Weisbrot from the Center for Economic and Policy research to discuss why the United States markets have been so volatile. While they both agreed that the US economic recovery has been poor, Weisbrot insisted that this is because the US government hasn’t done enough with its monetary policy. […]

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August 25, 2015Interviews

Chinese and US Markets Crashing for Same Reason (Video)

Peter Schiff told Newsmax TV what he thinks is behind the big drops in the United States stock market recently. Unlike the mainstream financial media, Peter doesn’t think China has anything to do with yesterday’s volatility. Instead, he believes the markets are starting to wake up to the fact that the Federal Reserve is propping […]

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August 24, 2015Guest Commentaries

All Global Prices Are Artificial Thanks to Central Banks (Video)

Jim Grant appeared on CNBC this morning with an explanation of the underlying reason why United States stocks just plummeted. His core message is that capitalism requires both success and failure. When central bank monetary policy corrupts pricing as thoroughly as it currently has, it ruins the market’s ability to withstand healthy business failures. Grant […]

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August 24, 2015Interviews

Gold’s Bottom May Already Be In (Audio)

Chris Waltzek interviewed Peter Schiff on GoldSeek Radio a couple weeks ago and released the interview this past weekend. In the interview, Peter predicted the Dow Jones Industrial Average could be down 10% from its high before September. This morning, the Dow is down almost 10% on the year – more than 12% from its […]

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August 21, 2015Interviews

Greenspan: Higher Interest Rates Are Inbred in Human Nature (Video)

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan appeared on Fox Business this week with two strong messages for investors: 1. The United States economy is “extraordinarily sluggish,” and part of this problem is the massive amount of government entitlements. He pointed out that entitlements have grown nearly 10% a year for the past 50 years, no […]

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