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July 24, 2015Interviews

American Economic Power Is Just an Illusion (Video)

A couple weeks ago, we shared a segment of Peter Schiff’s recent interview with Reason TV. Here is the full interview with Reason’s Matt Welch from FreedomFest 2015. They discuss the future of the United States economy, the upcoming presidential election, and China’s relationship to the US. Things change quickly when they change. This idea […]

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July 22, 2015Interviews

It’s Not Gold vs Stocks; It’s Gold vs Fiat Money (Video)

Fox Business asked Peter Schiff to explain why investors should continue to hold on to their gold, rather than sell it at a loss. Peter clarified that he has never recommended investing only in gold and not in stocks. Instead, owning gold is a way to protect yourself from fiat money and central bank policy. […]

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July 16, 2015Interviews

Markets Are Wrong Again: QE4 & Higher Gold on Horizon (Video)

Peter Schiff got into a heated debate on CNBC this afternoon when he explained why he thinks now is a good time to buy gold. The floor traders couldn’t wrap their heads around Peter’s suggestion that the Federal Reserve might launch a new round of quantitative easing in the next year. Instead, they insisted that […]

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July 16, 2015Interviews

Live from Athens: Interviews with Greeks about the Crisis (Video)

While visiting Athens, SchiffGold President Mike Freedman spoke with two Greeks about their country’s economic crisis. One had voted “yes” in the July 5th referendum, while the other had voted “no.” His conversations were eye opening and hold important lessons for America. Find Mike’s personal thoughts on the matter below.

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July 10, 2015Interviews

Chinese Economic Problems Are Made in America (Video)

Peter Schiff spoke with Reason TV about the dramatic plunge in the Chinese stock market over the past three weeks. Peter explains how China mimics America’s money-printing economic policy to suppress the strength of the yuan. The effect is similar in both countries – currency inflation, which artificially stimulates investment in stocks. Despite the correction […]

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July 7, 2015Interviews

Peter Schiff on InfoWars: US Is an Economic Parasite (Video)

Peter Schiff is now a regular guest on Alex Jones’ InfoWars. Peter’s first appearance was last Friday, and the two had a lively conversation about the slow decline of the United States economy. Peter compared Greece to America and argued that the US has less economic freedom than communist China. They also touched on the […]

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