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Guest Commentaries

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December 29, 2020Guest Commentaries

Ron Paul: The Great Crackup Is Coming

Peter Schiff has been driving home the fact that the Fed’s extraordinary monetary policy isn’t helping the economy. In fact, it’s setting the stage to destroy it. Peter points out that the Fed seems to think inflation is the cure for what ails us. That means the monetary and fiscal policies that resulted from COVID […]

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December 29, 2020Guest Commentaries

Price Inflation Doesn’t Tell the Whole Story

The Federal Reserve has increased the money supply by an astounding amount. This is by definition inflation. But the mainstream insists this isn’t a problem because we haven’t seen a big jump in the consumer price index. CPI has been creeping up, but it hasn’t reached the mythical 2% level. The Fed has signaled it […]

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December 27, 2020Guest Commentaries

Central Bank Digital Currency: It’s All About Control

The People’s Bank of China was the first central bank to roll out a digital currency. The digital yuan recently got a boost when China’s biggest online retailer announced it has developed the first virtual platform to accept the Chinese digital currency. Digital currency is nothing more than a virtual banknote or coin that exists […]

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November 24, 2020Guest Commentaries

Could We Have a Free Market in Money?

We’ve written extensively about the government intentionally devaluing our money. As one economist put it, the intentionally inflationary policies of central banks and governments are “daylight robbery.” But what’s the solution to this problem? Economist Thorsten Polleit argues we need a free market in money. But is this possible? Wouldn’t this create monetary chaos?

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November 19, 2020Guest Commentaries

Inflation Is Daylight Robbery

As central banks continue to inject trillions of dollars created out of thin air into the financial system, the mainstream generally sits backs and shrugs. But a few lonely voices in the wilderness continue to warn about the potential for price inflation and its nefarious effects on the average person. In a recent podcast, Peter […]

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October 25, 2020Guest Commentaries

Who Will Fix The National Debt? It Looks Like Nobody

The FY2020 budget deficit came in at $3.13 trillion. At some point, the US government will have to reckon with the debt and spending. But according to recent analysis from the nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Budget, neither Trump nor Biden appear prepared to do so. In fact, its analysis shows Trump would only be […]

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October 22, 2020Guest Commentaries

How Long Before This Time Bomb Blows Up?

When governments started locking down economies in response to the coronavirus pandemic, the Federal Reserve sprung into action. The central bank immediately cut interest rates to zero and launched what we’ve called “QE infinity.” Since then, the Fed has ballooned its balance sheet by nearly $3 trillion and increased the money supply at a record […]

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October 15, 2020Guest Commentaries

Money Out of Thin Air: Exchanging Nothing for Something

In response to any economic downturn, the Federal Reserve cranks up the money printing press. The reaction to the economic chaos caused by the government response to the coronavirus pandemic was no different. The Fed launched what many have called “QE infinity,” and has increased the money supply at a record pace. A lot of […]

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May 27, 2020Guest Commentaries

Fed’s Extreme Measures Are a Very Bad Thing

During a recent 60 Minutes interview, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said there is “no limit” to what the Fed can do. Indeed, the central bank has pulled out all the stops. But while the actions of the central bank are extreme, we’ve seen them operate out of this playbook before, if not at this level. […]

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