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Guest Commentaries

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March 7, 2021Guest Commentaries

Hiding the Harm of Minimum Wage Laws in a Sea of Data

The federal minimum wage hike didn’t make its way into the coronavirus stimulus bill passed by the Senate last week, but it is an idea that won’t die. With Biden in the White House and Democrats controlling both houses of Congress, the issue will almost certainly come up again sooner rather than later. Proponents of […]

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February 25, 2021Guest Commentaries

Money Velocity Won’t Save Us From Money Printing

The Federal Reserve has created trillions of dollars out of thin air and injected it into the economy over the last year. As a result, the money supply has grown at a record pace. This is by definition inflation. As Peter Schiff has pointed out in recent weeks, signs that this inflation is finding its […]

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February 18, 2021Guest Commentaries

Jerome Powell Says We Must Sacrifice – But for What?

Last week, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell called for a “society-wide” commitment to reaching full employment. As Peter Schiff put it, Powell basically handed the US government a blank check in order to achieve this “maximum employment goal.” We’re told we shouldn’t even worry about the massive deficit spending and additional debt this will incur. […]

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January 10, 2021Guest Commentaries

The Perfidious Effects of Money Printing

There were a number of inauspicious records set in 2020 and the impacts will continue to reverberate through the economy in the future. The Federal Reserve created money at a record rate. It also increased its balance sheet to record levels. And not to be outdone, the US government set a budget deficit record. These […]

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December 30, 2020Guest Commentaries

This Fed Policy Is “Scandalous”

Peter Schiff has been saying that all of the “help” the US government and the Federal Reserve have offered up during the coronavirus pandemic isn’t helping. In fact, it’s made the situation worse. In a podcast last month, Peter said that all of the money printing and stimulus allowed people to keep spending, but they […]

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