Fun on Friday: Your Golden Goose Is Cooked
I’ve mentioned this several times in these Fun on Friday columns, but the whole phenomenon of eating gold fascinates me. Because, really, it’s kind of weird.
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I’ve mentioned this several times in these Fun on Friday columns, but the whole phenomenon of eating gold fascinates me. Because, really, it’s kind of weird.
I can think of a lot of places you might not want to store $26,000 in gold. For instance, it might not be a good idea to put your gold in a cat litter box. And you might not want to stick your gold inside an old boat. And if you did put your cat […]
The University of Kentucky plans to blow up part of my youth. Earlier this week, the UK Board of Trustees approved a plan to demolish the Kirwan Blanding dorm complex, including two 23-story residential towers. Apparently, kids aren’t willing to live two to a cell and share communal showers anymore. According to a story in […]
How would you like to walk on gold? You can do it at the Akron Art Museum. Artist Rachel Sussman has filled cracks in the museum floor with gold.
Would you open up a box of cursed gold? Some archeologists in Germany decided it would be a good idea.
As the saying goes, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.” Albert Einstein is usually credited with that statement, although there isn’t any proof that he ever said it. Nevertheless, it’s certainly a good working definition of insanity. And by that definition, I have to conclude that socialists […]
At SchiffGold, we pride ourselves on being a full-service precious metals dealer, and my Fun on Friday column is no exception. I want to make sure I’m providing you all the information you need. So, do you remember the previous Fun on Friday post when I told you how you can turn your next dinner party […]
For this installment of Fun on Friday, I was planning on telling you all about a $9,000 ball of yarn. But this morning, I found something even better.
A few weeks ago, I told you about a company that is offering a 22-karat gold version of the iPhone. Yes. for a mere $69,995, you can strut about town with a gold phone pressed against your ear. Well apparently, the folks at Apple want to get in on this action. Maybe they are worried the […]
One day, a kid and his dad were walking along the shore of Battery Park in New York City. Looking out across the water, the kid spies the Statue of Liberty in the distance. “Hey dad,” the kid says, tugging on his father’s arm with one hand, pointing at the statue with the other. “Is […]