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April 27, 2015Interviews

The Moral Hazards of Public Debt and How to Save Yourself

In the second part of his interview with the Daily Bell, Peter Schiff discusses the economic dilemmas of Greece and the eurozone. He warns that the United States faces the same moral hazard of massive public debts that will be impossible to repay. Peter believes the Federal Reserve and American government will resort to currency […]

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April 20, 2015Original Analysis

Economic Fact & Fiction: Disney World & Paul Krugman (Audio)

Peter Schiff just returned from a family vacation and starts his latest podcast by discussing his observations about Disney World. He goes on to review the latest economic data. Finally, Peter picks apart Paul Krugman’s latest commentary, which is largely a response to German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schauble’s rational, conservative economic advice.

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April 20, 2015Interviews

The Fed’s Dangerous Trickle-Down Monetary Policy

The Daily Bell interviewed Peter Schiff last week and published the first half of their conversation yesterday. Peter explained why the United States economy isn’t recovering and why he blames the Federal Reserve. Peter also answered a slew of other questions. Does Janet Yellen know that the Fed’s monetary policies have been destructive, or is […]

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April 16, 2015Original Analysis

China Finally Stops Fighting the Stock Market

China’s gold demand has exploded in the last few years as the Chinese government continued to liberalize its domestic gold market. Last year, foreign banks were given gold import licenses for the first time, and China opened a handful of new gold exchanges. However, China’s economic evolution stretches well beyond precious metals, as the West […]

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April 14, 2015Original Analysis

Greece May Adopt Drachma; US Already Has – Gold Videocast

One proposed solution to Greece’s European debt problem is for the Mediterranean country to abandon the euro and resurrect its old currency, the drachma. In his April Gold Videocast, Peter Schiff explains why a new drachma would be ideal for Greek politicians, but a disaster for Greek citizens and creditors. Peter also reveals why the […]

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April 6, 2015Original Analysis

US Economy Is Running Out of Jobs and Excuses (Video)

Last week, the March jobs data finally began to match the rest of the terrible economic data in America. While analysts are blaming the lower-than-expected non-farm payroll numbers on poor weather, the employment picture is actually worse than the first quarter of last year when the “polar vortex” swept through the country. In his latest […]

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