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May 24, 2024Original Analysis

AI’s Disruptive Effect on Traditional Assets

Artificial Intelligence has already had an incredibly disruptive effect on many industries. It has allowed inexperienced workers the ability to increase their productivity and outpace older workers with less tech-savvy. It has begun to help some companies make efficient decisions that they would have been blinded to if they had only considered their own industry conventions. AI is different from many other […]

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May 22, 2024Original Analysis

The Copper Bull: Speculation vs. Fundamentals

Copper has gone mad: Liquidated shorts from a flood of speculators, an AI bubble, a supply crisis, and a renewable energy craze have all combined with high global inflation to recently send it to historic all-time highs. While I believe there will be major corrections as some of these factors come back down to earth, the most important one — […]

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May 17, 2024Original Analysis

How the Regulatory State Cripples Small-Business

Politicians parrot on about small businesses being the backbone of the economy, only to pass the regulations that stifle them. In 2024, several federal agencies instituted new regulations on small businesses. These agencies included the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, the IRS, and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The new restrictions add to an exponentially increasing mountain of […]

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May 17, 2024Original Analysis

Not Just the US: Global Debt-To-GDP Ratios Are Skyrocketing

The US national debt is so out of control that, ironically enough, even the Federal Reserve chair has expressed concern about the problem. And while America is among the top contributors, it isn’t just the US that’s spending money it doesn’t have: after briefly declining in 2023, the global debt-to-GDP ratio is again at an all-time high.

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May 15, 2024Original Analysis

Soaring Inflation is Making Home & Car Insurance Unaffordable

American car owners are facing a wall of bad debt to finance vehicles they can’t afford — especially pandemic buyers who took on huge loans to buy overpriced used vehicles that are now depreciating in value. With inflation running hot and poised to get even hotter if the Fed is forced to cut rates, it turns out that Americans can’t afford to insure those cars […]

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May 11, 2024Original Analysis

Innovation’s Silent Killer: Progressive Taxation

Innovation has a silent killer… a scourge that America has aided and abetted for over a century. Innovative activity is the backbone of the economy. Because of Google, Honda, and Netflix, life is easier for billions of people around the globe. A Stanford study found that up to 85% of economic growth is due to innovation. But what if all […]

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May 8, 2024Original Analysis

To Prevent a Banking Crisis, the FED Must Cut

In 2009, 140 banks failed, and a recent report from financial consulting firm Klaros Group says that hundreds of banks are at risk of going under this year. It’s being billed mostly as a danger for individuals and communities than for the broader economy, but for stressed lenders across America, a string of small bank failures could quite […]

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May 3, 2024Original Analysis

Inflation Brewing: Is Coffee the Next Cocoa?

Cocoa prices have dumped since rocketing to a dramatic peak last month as an El Nino cycle winds down and traders rush out of the illiquid market. For now, depreciating fiat currencies are still keeping the cocoa price still far above its 2023 levels. Coffee has had a similar rise and subsequent correction — but now, inflation and other factors are conspiring to […]

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