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July 1, 2024Original Analysis

Is France the Next Greece?

French markets have found some relief after the first round of its latest election, with stocks recovering somewhat and bond yields falling after reaching a 12-year high. But no matter which side wins in France, the market is afraid that an increase in unsustainable spending could be the common denominator. 

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June 29, 2024Original Analysis

The FED-Induced Housing Crisis

While the Federal Reserve’s inflationary policies are publicized as protecting the American people, they are causing the American dream of homeownership to slip away. By raising the federal funds rate to combat their self-inflicted inflation, the Fed has driven up mortgage costs, making it harder for aspiring homeowners to secure a place in the housing […]

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June 25, 2024Original Analysis

WaPo: No Matter Who Gets Elected, Expect More Debt

An article in yesterday’s Washington Post assured readers that no matter who wins the 2024 US presidential election, we can count on massive expansion of the national debt to be among the common denominators. The article looked at a recent report from the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, or CRFB, analyzing the debt increases […]

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June 24, 2024Original Analysis

ZIRP-Addicted Japan Is Crumbling Under Higher Rates

The message is loud and clear: The Japanese economy has no tolerance for higher interest rates after the Bank of Japan has kept them artificially near zero for decades. Meanwhile, as the largest holders of US Treasury debt, Japan’s economic well-being has become inextricably dependent on the capricious whims of Federal Reserve monetary policy — […]

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June 20, 2024Original Analysis

“Deal’s Off,” Canadian Officials Tell China

China’s recent attempt to secure a rare earth minerals stockpile ended in failure when a competitor stepped in to snag the deal. Vital Metals, a mining firm based in Australia, announced Monday that minerals collected from its Saskatchewan-based Nechalacho Project will remain within Canadian borders.

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June 13, 2024Original Analysis

As Inflation Rises, Prepare for Crime

Inflation breeds desperation, and desperation breeds crime. As central banks in Europe and Canada cut interest rates, and expectations remain that the Fed will wait to cut until at least September if it cuts this year at all, our endlessly-wise global central bankers, the benevolent all-knowing stewards of the global economy, can’t seem to agree […]

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