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Posts Tagged: “wealth tax

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March 28, 2024Original Analysis

Piketty’s Inequality Con

If you ask a liberal politician who their favorite economist is, there are three likely responses. One response is a panicked change of topic. From the slightly more sophisticated politicians who skim the New York Times, you might hear Paul Krugman. From the politicians who style themselves intellectuals of the left, you’d hear Thomas Piketty.

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October 29, 2019Guest Commentaries

Elizabeth Warren Is a Bad Economist!

According to Elizabeth Warren, we have a problem. And like every good central planner, she believes she can fix it. In fact, Warren has made, “I have a plan for that,” a campaign slogan. These people never learn. They try to micromanage the economy, create all kinds of unseen consequences, blame “capitalism,” and repeat the […]

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