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Posts Tagged: “war on cash

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August 8, 2023Original Analysis

Australia Ratcheting Up War on Cash

Australia has become the front line in the war on cash with an aggressive effort to ring physical money out of the economy. Over the last financial year, more than a billion dollars worth of physical cash disappeared from circulation, according to data released by the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA). The Australian news service […]

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March 7, 2023Original Analysis

Nigerians Not Eager to Embrace Central Bank Digital Currency

Violent protests in Nigeria reveal that getting average people to embrace central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) might be more difficult than government officials would like. Nigerians recently took to the streets to protest a cash shortage caused by government policies adopted in order to push the country into the adoption of its central bank digital […]

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November 16, 2022Key Gold Headlines

War on Cash: New York Fed Launches “Digital Dollar” Pilot Program

On Tuesday (Nov. 15), the New York Federal Reserve announced a 12-week pilot program in partnership with several large commercial banks to test the feasibility of a central bank digital currency (CBDC). The “proof of concept” program will test an “interoperable digital money platform” on a regulated liability network (RLN) for “technical feasibility, legal viability, […]

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