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Posts Tagged: “tuition

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August 30, 2022Original Analysis

Biden Student Loan Forgiveness Scheme Fixes Nothing

President Joe Biden recently announced a student loan forgiveness program. While it will provide some people a small amount of relief from student loan debt, this $300 billion taxpayer-funded scheme does nothing to address the underlying problem. In fact, it will exacerbate it. The underlying problem is the high cost of a college education.

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May 3, 2019Fun on Friday

Fun on Friday: What? A Free iPad? I Didn’t Get Squat!

I was perusing my local newspaper’s website the other day when I came across this headline – “University of Kentucky to Give iPads to All Incoming Freshman This Fall.” I have to admit, just seeing the headline kind of annoyed me. Because you know what I got when I started at UK as a freshman […]

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