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Posts Tagged: “tax reform

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December 20, 2017Key Gold Headlines

Tax Relief Without Government Relief

The House and Senate both passed the GOP tax bill yesterday. As of Wednesday morning, it needed just one more vote in the House on some technical changes made in the Senate before it heads to Pres. Trump’s desk. The media keeps calling the Republican bill “tax reform.” Peter Schiff called that, “fake news.”

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December 19, 2017Guest Commentaries

What Would Real Tax Reform Look Like?

We’ve done extensive reporting on the GOP tax reform bill as it’s moved through Congress. We’ve highlighted a number of concerns about the plan, specifically the significant expansion of the national debt it will cause. Yesterday, we explained how the impact on the deficit will likely be even bigger than expected because of the incentives […]

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December 18, 2017Key Gold Headlines

GOP Tax Reform: Incentives Matter

It appears increasingly likely the Republican Congress will pass tax reform this week. As we analyze the plan, it’s important to remember – incentives matter. Details of the House/Senate compromise bill came out Friday. It features a top rate of 37% and a bottom rate of 10%. The corporate rate would drop to 21%. The […]

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