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Posts Tagged: “student loan forgiveness

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April 8, 2024Original Analysis

Student Loan Inflation, Here it Goes Again

As the Democratic Party has shifted away from its traditional base of working-class and middle-class Americans, to an increased reliance on college professors, students, and highly educated but low-paid professions, such as social workers, a new policy has risen to prominence: student loan forgiveness. 

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March 12, 2024Original Analysis

Student Loan Forgiveness is Robbing Peter to Pay Paul

With President Biden’s Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) plan set to extend more student loan relief to borrowers this summer, the federal government is pretending it can wave a magic wand to make debts disappear. But the truth of student debt “relief” is that they’re simply shifting the burden to everyone else, robbing Peter […]

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August 30, 2022Original Analysis

Biden Student Loan Forgiveness Scheme Fixes Nothing

President Joe Biden recently announced a student loan forgiveness program. While it will provide some people a small amount of relief from student loan debt, this $300 billion taxpayer-funded scheme does nothing to address the underlying problem. In fact, it will exacerbate it. The underlying problem is the high cost of a college education.

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