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Posts Tagged: “spending

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December 27, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Merry Christmas from Uncle Sam — You Got More Debt!

Between Christmas 2017 and Christmas 2018, the US government added a staggering $1,370,760,684,441.54 to the national debt, according to Treasury Department figures. If you split that up between all American, your share of Uncle Sam’s 2018 spending spree comes to about $4,178.10. Merry Christmas! You’re welcome.

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October 23, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Government Debt Retards Economic Growth

In fiscal 2018,  the national debt expanded by more than $1 trillion. According to data released by the Treasury Department, it was the sixth-largest fiscal-year debt increase in the history of the United States. A combination of increased spending along with shrinking revenues continues to expand the federal deficit and balloon the national debt. GOP apologists insist […]

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