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Posts Tagged: “solar energy

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November 20, 2023Key Gold Headlines

Industrial Demand for Silver on Pace to Set Record in 2023

Industrial demand for silver is expected to set a record in 2023. According to a forecast by Metal’s Focus in conjunction with the Silver Institute, industrial silver demand is on pace to rise by 8% to a record 632 million ounces.  Investment in photovoltaics, power grid, and 5G networks, along with growth in consumer electronics […]

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November 1, 2023Key Gold Headlines

“Green Economy” Expected to Boost Silver Demand and Other Silver News

Silver is expected to play a significant role as the “green economy” evolves. The Silver Institute recently participated in a panel discussion titled “Silver’s Role in the Green Economy” at the London Bullion Market Association’s Global Precious Metals Conference in Barcelona, Spain. This is one of several silver-related stories in the latest edition of Silver News published by the […]

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August 15, 2023Original Analysis

Silver Price Inexcusably Low Given the Market Dynamics

Silver is significantly undervalued right now. One analyst called the current price in the $22 an ounce range “inexcusably low.” But many analysts are bullish on silver in the medium term with projections of prices climbing to $50 to $100 an ounce over the next two to five years. The question is when will we […]

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October 12, 2018Fun on Friday

Fun on Friday: You Gotta Pay These Bacteria to Work

Will work for gold! Who wouldn’t right? I don’t know about you, but I would work even harder for some gold than I would for dollars, knowing the Federal Reserve isn’t going to inflate the value of my gold away by 2% or more every year. Well, apparently people aren’t the only organisms that know the […]

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July 16, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Gold in Tech: Gold Nanoparticles Could Boost Solar Energy Storage

Rutgers University-New Brunswick researchers have developed a star-shaped gold nanoparticle that could open the door to improving storage of solar energy. According to scientists at the university, the nanoparticle coated with a semiconductor can produce hydrogen from water over four times more efficiently than other methods. The development could boost solar energy use and possibly […]

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