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Posts Tagged: “silver

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February 7, 2020Fun on Friday

Fun on Friday: My Trip to the Office

This week I went to the SchiffGold office. Now, you might think, so? I mean, you run the SchiffGold website. What’s the big deal? Well, it was a big deal because this was the first time I’ve ever actually been to the office. And it’s the first time I’ve met the SchiffGold crew in person.

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February 5, 2020Key Gold Headlines

The Silver-Gold Ratio Is Still Way Out of Whack

The silver-gold ratio has ticked back up to historically high levels of late. As I write this article, the ratio stands at just over 88:1. That means it takes 88 ounces of silver to buy an ounce of gold. To put that into perspective, the average in the modern era has been between 40:1 and […]

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January 29, 2020Original Analysis

Ancient Egypt: Silver to Gold Ratio of 1:1

Many of SchiffGold clients hold silver patiently waiting for a drop in the silver to gold ratio. I am very much one of these patient holders of silver. For those who aren’t familiar, the silver to gold ratio is exactly as it sounds: the price of gold stated in ounces of silver. Today the silver […]

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