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Posts Tagged: “savings

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November 22, 2023Key Gold Headlines

Americans Increasingly Tapping Into Their Retirement Accounts to Make Ends Meet

“Resilient” American consumers are digging into their retirement funds to pay their bills. Mainstream financial pundits, politicians, and Fed officials keep telling us the economy is strong because Americans keep spending money. They just assume this is a sign of economic strength without ever asking exactly how they’re paying for all of this “robust” spending.

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August 21, 2023Original Analysis

Americans Have Nearly Depleted Their Excess Savings

One of the reasons Americans were able to continue spending even as price inflation raged was they saved a lot of money during the pandemic lockdowns. But those savings are nearly depleted, according to a study released by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. Aggregate savings peaked at $2.1 trillion in August 2021. As […]

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February 2, 2023Guest Commentaries

Is Gold the Last Freedom Train?

Most people believe the Federal Reserve stabilizes the economy and our money. In reality, the central bank incentivized debt and destroys wealth. Is there a way to sidestep the destructive forces of central banking and fiat money? T.W. Thiltgen believes there is a freedom train we can escape on — gold.

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May 18, 2022Original Analysis

The Fed Has Destroyed Our Savings

When I was about seven or eight years old, I remember my mom taking me to the bank to open a savings account. She explained that if I put some of my allowance in savings, that money would grow over time. Well, that doesn’t work anymore.

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October 22, 2018Guest Commentaries

Savings – Not Tariffs – Will Make America Great Again

In a podcast earlier this month, Peter Schiff talked about the “twin deficits” of national debt and trade. We’ve talked a lot about the federal debt spiral, and there has even been some discussion about it in the mainstream. But almost nobody is paying attention to the growing trade deficit. Peter is an exception. When […]

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July 24, 2018Key Gold Headlines

America’s Fake Recovery Built on Working-Class Debt

It’s time to get real. This grand economy everybody keeps telling us about is actually a house of cards built out of cheap money and debt. And it won’t take much to blow it over. A recent article by Reuters reveals just how precarious the so-called economic recovery really is. According to the report, the bottom […]

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