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Posts Tagged: “Russia

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April 18, 2018Key Gold Headlines

The Petroyuan Is For Real

Late last month, China finally launched its much anticipated yuan-denominated oil futures contract. Many analysts think this is yet another sign that the mighty dollar’s world dominance is coming to an end.

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February 26, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Russia Passes China; Gold Hoard Now World’s Fifth Largest

Russia has passed China to become the world’s fifth-largest gold-holding country. According to a Bloomberg report, the Bank of Russia added nearly 20 tons of gold to its stash in January, raising its total to 1,857 tons. The People’ Bank of China reported holdings of 1,843 tons. Russia has bought gold every month since March […]

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December 4, 2017Key Gold Headlines

Russia Is Buying Gold, Stability and Economic Independence

Russia’s gold holdings have topped 1,800 tons. To put that into perspective, between 2000 and 2007, the Russian central bank held just 400 tons of gold. At that point, the country launched an aggressive gold acquisition program. In October of this year alone, the Bank of Russia bought 21.8 tons of gold. At 1,801 tons, the yellow […]

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