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Posts Tagged: “real estate

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May 31, 2024Original Analysis

Less is More? Personal Technology & Real Estate Allocation

A fundamental yet almost imperceptible shift has occurred. Those with their ears to the ground might have felt the tectonic plates beneath them shift, yet most are merely milling in the overworld. The grinning, faceless hordes of propagandists and marketers have become so successful that they feel they have inverted human nature itself.

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April 10, 2024Original Analysis

The Passive Investor Problem

When John Bogle died in 2019, people around the world mourned. Bogle created the Vanguard Group and made the index fund mainstream. Index funds are investment vehicles that invest in a class of investments as a whole, rather than trying to predict what specific stocks or securities will do best. So an investor could invest in an […]

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February 29, 2024Original Analysis

Can China’s Real Estate Market Survive Evergrande?

The collapse of Chinese real estate giant Evergrande is being called, by some, China’s “Lehman Moment.” Whether or not it will be enough to trigger a cratering of China’s broader economy, it’s a massive reality check for a country that has transformed itself over the decades with unprecedentedly massive urbanization and economic growth. Evergrande, since […]

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March 31, 2022Key Gold Headlines

Mortgage Rates Chart Biggest Weekly Increase in 11 Years

The Federal Reserve launched its fight against inflation earlier this month, but it wasn’t exactly shock and awe. The Fed raised interest rates by just a quarter percent.  Peter Schiff called it the most anticipated and least significant rate hike ever. Meanwhile, the central bank continued to expand its balance sheet. While the Fed’s tiny […]

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