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Posts Tagged: “president

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January 20, 2021Interviews

Peter Schiff: Veto Everything!

Peter Schiff recently did an interview with David Lin on Kitco news. Peter talked about the devaluing dollar, the stock market bubble, his investment strategy, the trajectory of the global economy, and finally, what he would do if he was president of the United States. In a nutshell, Peter said he would veto everything.

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February 28, 2020Fun on Friday

Fun on Friday: Truly Awful Campaign Slogans

Well, it’s campaign season. I hate campaign season. And this current crop of Democratic hopefuls isn’t doing anything to change my feelings. These people are about as bland as a bag of sawdust. I mean, say what you will about Donald Trump; if nothing else he comes up with some pretty amusing quips. So, in […]

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