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Posts Tagged: “PPI

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May 16, 2023Original Analysis

Media Bias Fails Investors and the Public

Was the producer price data that came out late last week really more good news on the inflation front? That’s certainly how the mainstream media spun it. But as was the case with the April CPI data, the mainstream spin didn’t necessarily reflect reality. In fact, there is a pro-government, pro-official narrative bias that pervades […]

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January 23, 2023Peter's Podcast

Peter Schiff: Easing Price Inflation Is Transitory

Last week, the Producer Price Index data finally showed some cooling of wholesale prices. That coupled with better-than-expected CPI data further buoyed hope that the Fed is winning the war on inflation. But in his podcast, Peter Schiff emphasized that easing inflation is transitory. And a weakening dollar will be a big part of the […]

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February 16, 2022Key Gold Headlines

Producer Price Increase Doubles Expectations in January

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell “retired” the word “transitory” as it relates to inflation back on Nov. 30. Just two-and-a-half months later, we’re seeing a new word bandied about to describe inflation — persistent. Less than a week after the January CPI data came in even hotter than anticipated (again), we got yet another signal […]

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