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Posts Tagged: “Poland

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May 23, 2023Key Gold Headlines

Poland Resumes Buying Gold

Poland is buying gold again. The  National Bank of Poland added nearly 15 tons of gold to its reserves in April, according to data published by the bank last week. It was the largest increase in the country’s reserves since June 2019 when the bank boosted reserves by almost 100 tons.

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April 21, 2021Key Gold Headlines

Hungary Triples Gold Reserves

In one of the biggest central bank gold buys in decades, Hungary tripled its gold reserves last month. The National Bank of Hungary (Magyar Nemzeti Bank, MNB) bought 63 tons of gold, increasing its gold holdings to 94.5 tons, a record high for that country.

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March 16, 2021Key Gold Headlines

Poland Wants More Gold

Poland’s gold-buying spree isn’t over. In 2018, the National Bank of Poland began aggressively adding gold to its reserves. Through the first half of 2019, the Polish central bank added more than 100 tons of gold, nearly doubling its reserves.

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December 6, 2019Fun on Friday

Fun on Friday: Moving Is Awful

Moving is awful. I’m speaking from recent experience. We are in the process of moving from central Kentucky to northern Florida. I say “in the process” because you don’t just move. It consumes your life for months on end.

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