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Posts Tagged: “petrodollar

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April 10, 2024Original Analysis

Central Banks Are Buying the Gold Top

In investing, “Buy low, sell high” is among the most well-known sayings, and generally, it’s good advice. But with gold still holding near its historic all-time highs, central banks led by China are bucking the classic adage and smash-buying more, buying the top to fortify themselves against a global monetary and financial blow-up.

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August 25, 2023Friday Gold Wrap

Another BRIC in the Wall: SchiffGold Friday Gold Wrap Aug. 25, 2023

The BRICS economic bloc announced it will add six new members, including Saudi Arabia. The growing influence of BRICS could ultimately dent Western economic power and undermine the dollar’s role as the world’s reserve currency. In this episode of the Friday Gold Wrap, host Mike Maharrey talks about the ramifications of BRICS expansion, de-dollarization, and […]

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April 18, 2018Key Gold Headlines

The Petroyuan Is For Real

Late last month, China finally launched its much anticipated yuan-denominated oil futures contract. Many analysts think this is yet another sign that the mighty dollar’s world dominance is coming to an end.

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