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Posts Tagged: “Nixon

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August 20, 2021Fun on Friday

Fun on Friday: Politicians Lie

I have some sobering news for you. Politicians lie. No, no, not just the politicians you don’t like. I mean pretty much all of them – with a few rare exceptions. It’s like part of the political DNA.

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August 16, 2021Key Gold Headlines

50 Years Ago: Nixon Slams Shut the “Gold Window”

Fifty years ago this week, President Richard Nixon slammed shut the “gold window” and eliminated the last vestige of the gold standard. Nixon ordered Treasury Secretary John Connally to uncouple gold from its fixed $35 price and suspended the ability of foreign banks to directly exchange dollars for gold. During a national television address, Nixon promised […]

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August 16, 2019Fun on Friday

Fun on Friday: Politicians Are Liars Edition

Politicians are liars. I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you this. Let’s just call it a friendly reminder. I was reminded of this fact as I wrote an article about the anniversary of Richard Nixon slamming shut the gold window for the Tenth Amendment Center.

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