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Posts Tagged: “negative interest rates

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May 20, 2020Guest Commentaries

Why Should We Care About Negative Interest Rates?

Are negative interest rates in our future? Jerome Powell says absolutely not. But Jerome Powell also once said balance sheet reduction was on autopilot and that the Federal Reserve wasn’t going to cut interest rates. What the Fed chair says today doesn’t necessarily line up with what the Fed chair does tomorrow. In fact, the […]

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May 11, 2020Original Analysis

Are Negative Interest Rates in Our Future?

Are negative interest rates in our future? The markets are starting to think so. On Thursday, Fed fund futures contracts began pricing in negative interest rates. They were initially priced in for December but then shifted to early 2021. This doesn’t guarantee negative rates, but it does indicate markets are beginning to expect them.

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January 24, 2020Friday Gold Wrap

Zombie Economy: SchiffGold Friday Gold Wrap Jan. 24, 2020

While impeachment proceedings kicked off at home President Trump was in Davos, Switzerland, talking up the US economy. He called it the best economy in American history. Is it though? In this episode of the Friday Gold Wrap podcast, host Mike Maharrey talks about the economy, what’s really driving it, and why this might be […]

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October 30, 2019Guest Commentaries

Negative Interest Rates: The Price We Pay for De-Civilization

President Trump recently took aim at the Federal Reserve once again, accusing the central bank of “holding back” America’s economy. The president was responding to a FOX Business Varney & Co. segment about negative interest rates in Europe and Japan. Trump said the Fed should follow the lead of European and Japanese central banks into […]

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September 12, 2019Peter's Podcast

Peter Schiff: Negative Interest Rates Are Boneheaded

Donald Trump has been badgering Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell for months, begging for lower interest rates. Yesterday, he took things to another level, saying that the “boneheads” at the Fed need to push rates into negative territory. In his podcast, Peter Schiff said negative interest rates are boneheaded.

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August 19, 2019Videos

Negative Interest Rate Absurdity and How It Screws Up the Economy (Video)

Negative-yielding debt surged to over $15 trillion earlier this month. This pile of negatively-yielding paper includes government and corporate bonds, along with some euro junk bonds. In a recent episode of the Wolf Street Report, Wolf Richter called this “NIRP absurdity.” And it could be coming to America. Negative interest rates started out as a short-term […]

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December 1, 2017Key Gold Headlines

Trump Picks Another Swamp Creature for Fed

Pres. Donald Trump has nominated another swamp creature to sit on the Federal Reserve board of governors. Marvin Goodfriend does not come from the ranks of politicians. He’s an academic – an economics professor at Carnegie Mellon University. But he’s perfectly suited for the role of central planner. He fits right in with the other […]

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