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Posts Tagged: “national debt

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July 7, 2023Friday Gold Wrap

Fed People Saying Stuff: SchiffGold Friday Gold Wrap July 7, 2023

Despite doing nothing at the June meeting, Federal Reserve officials continue to talk tough about fighting inflation. The anticipation of another rate hike created headwinds for both stocks and gold this week. But Friday Gold Wrap host Mike Maharrey thinks something is amiss. In this episode, he talks about the disconnect between the central bankers’ […]

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June 19, 2023Original Analysis

National Debt Quietly Blows Past $32 Trillion

The great anti-federalist Brutus wrote, “I can scarcely contemplate a greater calamity that could befall this country, than to be loaded with a debt exceeding their ability ever to discharge.” And here we are. With little fanfare, the national debt blew past $32 trillion last week.

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June 12, 2023Key Gold Headlines

A Surging National Debt Is Bullish for Gold

The debt ceiling drama ended with fake budget cuts and a shiny new credit card with no limit for the federal government. We can now expect a big surge in the national debt as the US government plays catch up after nearly six months up against its borrowing limit. So, how might this impact the […]

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