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Posts Tagged: “national debt

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February 13, 2024Exploring Finance

Federal Budget: Interest Payments Reach $750B

Federal Budget The Federal Government publishes the spending and revenue numbers every month. The charts and tables below give an in-depth review of the Federal Budget, showing where the money is coming from, where it is going, and the surplus or deficit. This month saw a $22B deficit.

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December 19, 2023Original Analysis

The World Is Sitting on a Powder Keg of Debt

The Federal Reserve recently surrendered in its inflation fight. But price inflation is nowhere near the 2% target. Why did the Fed raise the white flag prematurely? One of the major reasons is debt. The world is buried under record debt levels and the global economy can’t function in a high interest rate environment.

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November 1, 2023Peter's Podcast

Japan’s Slow-Motion Train Wreck

Japan is in the midst of a slow-motion train wreck. The country has a massive national debt and it is starting to feel the pressure of rising interest rates. In his podcast, Peter Schiff talked about the situation in Japan and pointed out some disturbing parallels to what’s happening in the US.

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