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Posts Tagged: “mortgages

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May 2, 2023Interviews

Peter Schiff: Joe Biden Is Rewarding People With Bad Credit

On May 1, new Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) rules went into effect that will allow borrowers with lower credit ratings to qualify for better mortgage rates than they otherwise would have. Meanwhile, borrowers with better credit ratings will pay higher fees to subsidize the program. Peter Schiff recently appeared on Real America with Dan […]

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March 19, 2019Videos

The Credit Risks Hiding Behind the Averages (Video)

As we reported last week, consumer debt continues to break records month after month. Americans owe over $4.3 trillion dollars in revolving debt (primarily credit cards), student loans and auto loans. When you factor in mortgages, the number climbs to $13.54 trillion. That figure was $869 billion higher than the previous peak of $12.68 trillion […]

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November 15, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Is the Air Coming Out of Housing Bubble 2.0?

Peter Schiff put it pretty bluntly in a podcast last week. We don’t have a booming economy. We have bubbles. And it looks like the air is starting to come out of some of those bubbles. We see signs of trouble, particularly in interest rate-sensitive sectors such as real estate. As just one example, home sales in […]

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