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Posts Tagged: “minimum wage

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July 1, 2024Guest Commentaries

The Modern Myth of “Wage Slavery”

The idea of ‘wage slavery’ unfairly compares today’s suffering job market to historical chattel slavery, using outdated 19th-century arguments to criticize modern work. This oversimplification overlooks the significant improvements in workers’ freedom and their right to work.  Some will choose to work at a lower wage than accept a worse alternative.

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April 25, 2024Original Analysis

California’s New Minimum Wage: A Cure that Exacerbates the Sickness

The solution to a problem shouldn’t make the problem worse. But apparently, California’s policy makers missed that memo. On April 1st, the state instituted a $20 minimum wage for fast food workers, the highest in the US. With California’s absurdly high cost of living, the policy appeared to make life more manageable for low-income residents. Unfortunately, as the adage goes, “If it sounds too […]

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December 29, 2023Friday Gold Wrap

The End! SchiffGold Friday Gold Wrap December, 29, 2023

We’ve reached the end of another year. A new year is always a good time for reflection. And maybe even some resolutions. In this episode of the Friday Gold Wrap podcast, host Mike Maharrey talks about the trajectory of gold as we enter the new year, explains an economic truth, offers some thoughts on New […]

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January 30, 2023Guest Commentaries

The Minimum Wage Does More Harm Than Good

There is a relentless push to raise the minimum wage, both at the state and national levels. Minimum wage advocates somehow think that their wishful thinking can override basic economics. But no matter how much they tell you otherwise, supply and demand are a thing. Raising the cost of labor will mean less labor employed, all […]

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March 7, 2021Guest Commentaries

Hiding the Harm of Minimum Wage Laws in a Sea of Data

The federal minimum wage hike didn’t make its way into the coronavirus stimulus bill passed by the Senate last week, but it is an idea that won’t die. With Biden in the White House and Democrats controlling both houses of Congress, the issue will almost certainly come up again sooner rather than later. Proponents of […]

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