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Posts Tagged: “Joe Biden

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December 20, 2023Guest Commentaries

Biden and the Media Are Gaslighting Us About Inflation

The Federal Reserve and the US government create inflation and then blame everybody else. President Joe Biden recently finger-pointed at “greedy corporations,” saying they need to “lower prices” now that inflation come down. Whether he is really that ignorant or just lying, Biden’s comments serve a purpose. As Ron Paul put it, they gaslight the […]

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December 12, 2023Interviews

Peter Schiff: Joe Biden Doesn’t Have Anything to Take Credit For

Most mainstream pundits characterized the November jobs report as a “Goldilocks” report. Job growth was strong enough to support the “soft landing” narrative but not so strong it might scare the Fed into raising interest rates again. President Joe Biden used the report to boast about his economic achievements. But according to Peter Schiff, Biden […]

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December 7, 2023Original Analysis

Joe Biden: Economic Ignoramus

Are “greedy” corporations driving inflation? Could taxing billionaires solve the federal government’s fiscal problems? According to President Joe Biden, the answer to both questions is yes. And the correct answer is no.

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May 2, 2023Interviews

Peter Schiff: Joe Biden Is Rewarding People With Bad Credit

On May 1, new Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) rules went into effect that will allow borrowers with lower credit ratings to qualify for better mortgage rates than they otherwise would have. Meanwhile, borrowers with better credit ratings will pay higher fees to subsidize the program. Peter Schiff recently appeared on Real America with Dan […]

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August 16, 2022Interviews

Peter Schiff: Joe Biden’s Unwarranted Inflation Victory Lap

Peter Schiff appeared on the Newsmax Saturday Report along with former Rep. Peter King (R-NY) to talk about President Joe Biden’s unwarranted inflation victory lap. The CPI for July came in slightly cooler than June’s sizzling 9.1%. But even at 8.5%, CPI remains near 40-year highs. But Biden focused on the unchanged month-on-month CPI to […]

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June 22, 2022Original Analysis

The Inflation Solutions Are Even Worse Than the Problem

As Americans labor under the burden of inflation, the Biden administration keeps telling us the economy is just fine. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre recently said we are “transitioning” to “steady and stable growth.” As a result, she claims the American people are in a place where they can “take on inflation.” Americans aren’t […]

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June 15, 2022Guest Commentaries

Ron Paul: Should We “Respect” the Fed?

The Federal Reserve doesn’t have a very good track record. It was wrong about transitory inflation. It was wrong about peak inflation. And it’s almost certainly wrong in thinking the economy is strong enough to withstand tighter monetary policy to fight inflation. But President Joe Biden trusts the Fed. The cornerstone of his inflation-fighting plan […]

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