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Posts Tagged: “jobs

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February 4, 2023Exploring Finance

Is It Time to Drop the “L” in the BLS?

By all measures, the latest job report absolutely blasted past expectations with one of the biggest upside surprises in recent memory. The current month came in at 517,000 jobs created. But even that massive figure was beaten by the latest Household Survey which showed 894k jobs created in January.

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December 12, 2022Interviews

Peter Schiff and Megyn Kelly: The Biden Economy Is a Mess

President Joe Biden said Americans are becoming more optimistic about the economy. He said that’s part of the “broad story about the economy we’re building that works for everyone.” Peter Schiff has a different take on the economy. He recently appeared on The Megyn Kelly Show to talk about it.

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December 2, 2022Exploring Finance

Jobs Report: Not Strong Enough to Prevent a Soft Pivot

According to the BLS, the economy added 263k jobs in November with a modest revision up in October from 261k to 284k but a revision down in September from 365k to 269k. October was a beat against median expectations of 200k. The employment rate (black line) stayed flat at 3.7% while the labor force participation ticked […]

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November 4, 2022Exploring Finance

Jobs Report: Only Education and Government are Above Trend

Despite the better-than-expected headline number, the job market continues to slow. According to the BLS, the economy added 261k jobs in October with a big upward revision in September from 263k to 315k. October was a beat against median expectations of 205k. The employment rate (black line) increased from 3.5% to 3.7% while the labor […]

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