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Posts Tagged: “Iran

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January 14, 2020Guest Commentaries

US Foreign Policy, Oil and the Dollar

The war drums have quieted for the time being. But while the threat of a hot war seems to have diminished, economic warfare continues. President Trump announced another round of economic sanctions on Iran. We have written extensively how about how the US weaponizes the dollar and uses it as a foreign policy tool. This […]

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January 13, 2020Peter's Podcast

Peter Schiff: War Is Off But Risk Is On

In his latest podcast, Peter talks about sudden silencing of the war drums, the risk that remains in the markets, the stealth bull market in gold, the risk of a socialist president, rampant economic illiteracy, inflation and more. As Peter put it – what a difference 48 hours makes.

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September 5, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Iranians Turning to Gold as a Currency Crisis Grips the Nation

With hyperinflation gripping Iran and sanctions strangling the economy, Iranians are beginning to turn to gold to make everyday transactions, most notably to pay their rent. The Iranian rial has depreciated rapidly since the US announced its withdrawal from the 2015 nuclear deal and the reimposition of economic sanctions. After the US formally announced it […]

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