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Posts Tagged: “interest rate

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February 18, 2024Guest Commentaries

Why America Will Never Surmount Its Mountain of Debt

Can America hope to climb past its mountain of $34 trillion of federal debt? With the staggering weight of unfunded liabilities in vital entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare reaching $212 trillion, any strategy for repayment is met with formidable obstacles. Our guest contributor arrives at a sobering verdict: the magnitude of the debt […]

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June 22, 2022Key Gold Headlines

More Air Hisses Out of the Housing Bubble

As interest rates rise, the air continues to hiss out of the housing bubble. Existing home sales tumbled to a two-year low in May. Sales fell to a seasonally adjusted 5.41 million units, according to the latest data from the National Association of Realtors. It was a 3.4% drop, bringing existing home sales to the […]

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January 2, 2019Key Gold Headlines

Pending Home Sales Tank in November

Pending home sales hit the lowest level in nearly five years in November, a sign that the US housing market will continue to get uglier in the near future. Not too long ago, we reported that the air was starting to come out of housing bubble 2.0. As just one example, home sales in California hit […]

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