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Posts Tagged: “inflation

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January 24, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Four Fundamental Roles of Gold in Your Portfolio

Why should you buy gold? A report published this week by the World Gold Council pinpoints four key reasons. Gold is a highly liquid yet scarce asset, and it is no one’s liability. It is bought as a luxury good as much as an investment. As such, gold can play four fundamental roles in a […]

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December 22, 2017Videos

Peter Schiff: The Path of Least Resistance for Gold Is Up

In a recent interview on RT Boom Bust, Peter Schiff talked gold. In a piece he wrote for the December issue of the World Gold Council Gold Investor, WGC chief market strategist John Reade outlined several key reasons he thinks gold will shine in 2018. He said rising global income will be the primary factor […]

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December 14, 2017Key Gold Headlines

FOMC Meeting: Yellen Follows Her Script

The December Federal Open Market Committee meeting went pretty much according to scrip. Analysts widely expected the Fed to raise rates by .25. It did. Analysts also expected the Fed to signal three more hikes in 2018. It did that too. Gold went up, as we said it probably would, hitting a one-week high in […]

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December 12, 2017Key Gold Headlines

The Fed’s Magic Trick That’s Picking Your Pocket

Every year, the Federal Reserve robs you of a little bit of your wealth. And it does so by design. Writing for the Sovereign Man, Jeff Thomas called it a “magic trick.” But it’s not magic in a mystical way. It’s magic in the show business sense of the word.  It’s an illusion, facilitated by distraction that fools the audience. […]

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