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Posts Tagged: “inflation

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February 20, 2020Key Gold Headlines

Inflation By Another Measure

The powers that be insist that inflation is low. In fact, the central bankers at the Federal Reserve tell us that low inflation is one of the reasons they can keep interest rates artificially low. But everyday people who go to the store each week smell a rat. We know our dollar doesn’t stretch as […]

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December 6, 2019Friday Gold Wrap

Inflation? What Inflation? Friday Gold Wrap Dec. 6, 2019

We’ve seen new records in the stock market in recent weeks. The headlines tell us it’s all because of a potential trade deal, but Friday Gold Wrap host Mike Maharrey doesn’t buy it. He says it’s really all about Fed money printing. That may juice the stock market, but there’s a downside – inflation. In […]

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November 14, 2019Key Gold Headlines

Inflation’s Up; So What?

Here’s a strange headline for you: “Gold prices near daily highs despite better-than-expected inflation in October.” This headline is bizarre on a couple of levels. First, since when are rising consumer prices and good news? And second, why wouldn’t inflation be good for gold? You really have to buy into the mainstream narratives to write […]

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