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Posts Tagged: “inflation

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October 15, 2020Guest Commentaries

Money Out of Thin Air: Exchanging Nothing for Something

In response to any economic downturn, the Federal Reserve cranks up the money printing press. The reaction to the economic chaos caused by the government response to the coronavirus pandemic was no different. The Fed launched what many have called “QE infinity,” and has increased the money supply at a record pace. A lot of […]

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May 26, 2020Peter's Podcast

Peter Schiff: The Fed Won’t Get Away With It This Time

The Federal Reserve and the US government are rerunning the exact same policies they turned to in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, but on a much grander scale. We have bigger QE, more money printing, more government spending and bigger deficits. During his podcast, Peter Schiff said it was a mistake then, but […]

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May 20, 2020Interviews

Peter Schiff: People Will Be Wiped Out By the Inflation Tax

The printing presses are running at full speed as the Federal Reserve creates money out of thin air at an unprecedented rate. Peter Schiff recently appeared on Kitco News to talk about the impact of all money-printing, borrowing and government spending. Somebody has to pay for this and we all will. In fact, a lot […]

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May 18, 2020Key Gold Headlines

QE Infinity: Money Supply Grew at Record Rate in April

The money supply growth rate surged to an all-time high in April as the Federal Reserve created cash at an unprecedented rate through quantitative easing and other money-creating monetary policies. According to Ryan McMaken at the Mises Institute, the only time the Fed has come close to this level of money creation was in the […]

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May 13, 2020Peter's Podcast

Peter Schiff: Inflation Is Going to Be a Huge Problem

The consumer price index fell 0.8% in April, according to the latest Labor Department data. It was the biggest plunge in consumer prices since December 2008. year-over-year, the CPI is up 0.3. By all indications, it appears inflation is the least of our problems despite massive Federal Reserve money-printing and unprecedented government spending. But in […]

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