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Posts Tagged: “government intervention

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March 19, 2025Guest Commentaries

Unmasking the True Culprit Behind the Next Recession

Recent market turmoil has signaled a coming recession, and both sides of Washington, D.C. are already spinning narratives to blame their political enemies for the business cycle. As the economy shifts into recovery mode, remember that the establishment has no interest in actually addressing monetary expansion, the true cause of recessions.

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March 7, 2025Guest Commentaries

Unmasking Trump’s Hidden Treasury

As Trump’s crypto and sovereign wealth reserves gain momentum, free-marketers should recall that such measures, while perhaps a temporary improvement, are not the key to a healthy economy. If Trump wants to fix the economy, he should focus on fixing the debt and hardening our money.

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January 24, 2025Guest Commentaries

Marx’s Shell Game: The Fallacy of Class Analysis

In times of economic hardship, like today, politicians often take aim at the wealthy entrepreneurship class, usually employing the rhetoric of socialists like Marx. Rather than blame the rich for their economic woes, the American people should aim their ire at those responsible: profligate spenders in Washington and their cronies.

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December 28, 2024Guest Commentaries

Sound Money, Not Tariffs: The Key to Economic Prosperity

The American economy is under assault from two sides. With inflationary central banks seeking to undermine the dollar and protectionist populists looking to restrict free trade abroad, it’s crucial for the incoming Trump administration to fight for economic freedom on both fronts. The following article was originally published by the Mises Institute. The opinions expressed […]

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December 4, 2024Guest Commentaries

Tariffs Through an Austrian Lens

In post-election America, tariffs still occupy much of the policy debate surrounding the incoming Trump administration. With leftists arguing in bad faith on one side of the issue and economic populists on the other, we can turn to the Austrian school of economics to understand the tradeoffs at play with protectionism. The following article was […]

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November 22, 2024Interviews

Schiff w/ Knight: Why Does the Economy Crash?

Peter recently appeared on the Don’t Tread on Anyone podcast hosted by Keith Knight, a heavy hitter in the libertarian space. Keith and Peter discuss one of Peter’s books, How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes. Their conversation covers the pillars of Austrian Business Cycle Theory, the ethics of regulation, and a whole host […]

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October 30, 2024Original Analysis

That Which Cannot be Taught

While the upcoming election has people discussing policy, and economic policy in particular, we rarely ask the question of whether we need economic policy in general. I’m being facetious here, however, the reach of economic policy that we employ and are attempting to enact in the future must be questioned. Rather than questioning any specific […]

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October 22, 2024Guest Commentaries

Kamala Harris’s Price Controls Could Trigger Food Shortages and Economic Disruption

Despite the left constantly touting the virtues of “science,” democrats like Kamala Harris frequently deny sound economic theory. Her penchant for ignoring economic law is especially frightening when it comes to the theories of prices and price controls, which are recently under attack thanks to the Fed’s inflationary policy. The following article was originally published by the Mises Institute. The […]

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October 12, 2024Peter's Podcast

Peter Schiff: FEMA Makes Hurricanes Worse

In this week’s episode, Peter offers an important reminder: the government has a strong incentive to bend the truth with their data, especially when we’re less than a month out from an election. Beyond this, Peter spends time discussing the proliferation of free market ideas on X, declares Grover Cleveland to be the last good […]

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